FAQ for Bizeo developers

Below are some of our commonly asked questions. If you can't find your answer here, please contact our support team.

See also:

General FAQs FAQs for Bizeo resellers/affiliates Glossary Can I develop my own packages and add-ons for Bizeo? How do I integrate with the Bizeo cloud service? How do I develop my own package for installation on Bizeo drones? Can I sell my own packages on the Bizeo store? How am I paid for sales of my Bizeo add-on? What happens if somebody purchases my add-on but then returns it? How do I add an item to the Bizeo store?
Can I develop my own packages and add-ons for Bizeo?

Yes, you can develop your own KPI packages, which can be installed on Bizeo drones, and your own Bizeo add-ons, such as screensavers, integration into third party products or anything else that you can think of.

Back to top How do I integrate with the Bizeo cloud service?

Bizeo has a published web service interface that allows you to do things such as upload KPI and status data, retrieve status information and create new tasks. Full details on the Bizeo programming interface coming soon.

Back to top How do I develop my own package for installation on Bizeo drones?

Once you sign up to the Bizeo developer program, you have access to resources that permit you to develop your own Bizeo packages. There you'll find examples and all the information you'll need to develop these packages.

Back to top Can I sell my own packages on the Bizeo store?

Yes. If you write a package or other Bizeo add-on that might interest other Bizeo users, you can submit it for sale via the Bizeo store. You'll receive 50% of the revenue through sales and subscriptions to that item.

Back to top How am I paid for sales of my Bizeo add-on?

Bizeo will send you a report once a month showing sales information for your Bizeo add-on or package. Within seven days of this, we'll either transfer your commission into your bank account or send you a cheque for payment.

Back to top What happens if someone purchases my add-on but then returns it?

If a Bizeo user purchases your add-on or package and is charged for this item, but then cancels their purchase for whatever reason, Bizeo will refund the customer the purchase price. We'll then deduct any commission previously paid to you for this purchase from a subsequent commission payment.

Back to top How do I add an item to the Bizeo store?

To have an item added to the Bizeo store, you must first apply to be part of the Bizeo developer program.

Then submit your item to the Bizeo team for approval and publication in the store. To be approved, your item must comply with all the terms and conditions set out on the Bizeo developers' portal.

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